
Benefits Of Organic Raw Sugar

By Sharlene Fleming  :

The purpose of growing cane is to produce a sweetener which has many characteristics. Growing of cane is done in tropical areas like the Asian countries. Organic raw sugar is a product of this cane and is a refined product. It undergoes very few processing steps. Even so, it meets the standards of being referred to as organic and raw.

The Asian part of the world grows cane in large plantations because it is among the first crops that the farmers in the region identified. The Asians consumed it from the farm as it capable of being eaten in its natural form. When the Europeans first explored Asia, they studied cane and liked the plant. Sweet juice was gotten from it and the rest of the materials were taken through further refining.

Sweet cane is cut and taken to the factories where it is processed to extract the juice. The juice is then poured into a boiler where it stays for fifteen to thirty minutes and then left to cool so as to crystallize. The people handling it will determine whether or not the final product will have high molasses content. They will also determine whether it will be white or brown. They store the raw content in a tight closed container to avoid contamination. It has a high moisture and molasses content than the normal form. This makes it rich and complex in flavor.

A thousand years ago, raw sweetener was made and the process and taste remains the same up to date. No adding chemical additives are involved. Extracting of canes is the first process of getting the juice. Impurities that are big enough are then sieved out of the juice. The juice is then left to dry and molasses are eliminated. The sucrose which is the remaining product is made to whiten. At this point, the juice is referred to as raw sucrose.

Although the raw type has a sweetening flavor, specialists warn that it should not be added directly to food that is cooking on the fire. The doctors advise that the raw form is healthier for the body compared to regular sweeteners because the regular form causes diseases as it contains chemical additives.

Sweet cane is rich in calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium which can be acquired from the organic form and not the common form because of the processing method, but you should not depend on organic forms to get the nutrients since they can be obtained from other types of food.

Nutrients obtained from unrefined sweeteners are iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous. They cannot be acquired from common sucrose. This does not mean that a person should depend solely on natural products to get the nutrients. The common sweetener is also dangerous when taken without precaution as it leads to diseases like obesity, high blood pleasure, heart failure or diabetes.

Some pests that grow with can cause cancer thus the method of preventing pests is good to the health of consumers. Organic raw sugar is much more expensive than the regular form but it is more recommended. Natural methods of growing are also good to retain the fertility of the soil and keep the air fresh.

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