
An Afternoon Of Shopping At A New Age Store

By Agnes Dickson

A nearby store can provide a convenient source for vital products as well as services, and simply shopping there can be part of one's life in magic. Most of the public sees these stores as places where witches and magicians mingle, as well as the occasional non-magical straggler. The more the merrier, and anyone with a taste for the unusual might find themselves enjoying the ambiance, as well as the products, at a new age store.

The first thing many people think of when imagining the inside of a magic shop is the incense, which can often be gotten at less price at a nearby smoke shop. However, there are differences that can matter beyond mere scent, such as the fact that the incense might have been made by a practicing witch. An oil or incense made by trained hands way well have been tasked to some desirable goal, like finding love.

Beyond incense, there are those innumerable products one won't ever find in any other type of store but one dedicated to magic. First there are the tarot decks, laid out on display to advertise the beautiful artistry of their illustrations. Like the incense, the beautiful designs are meant to be effective, in this case by calling out to anyone looking for a personal connection to a particular deck. Often the bookshelves will be somewhat spare but excellent, full of books meant to be informative in the most directly practical way.

A wide range of items will be available, ranging from a crystal ball in any color to an athame of any size. Often there will be quite an impressive statuary of deities, whether Gods or Buddhas, which very well might have have been vested with energy by someone familiar with them. There is a good chance one will find oils, ointments, even loose herbs, each tasked to some particular end.

These establishments are often the only meeting place available to those who share a common interest in magic, and it is important to them that they be supported despite the prices. It is generally true that shopping online offers a wider variety and a better price. While for some items price will be the predominant concern, most people who practice an alternative spirituality recognize the need to share their precious dollars in their own communities where it is feasible to do so.

Most occult or esoteric shop will feature tarot readings and other psychic services for those who might turn to them in need. Typically these consultations take place in a small booth or room separable from the main store by a curtain. There might astrology focused practices of various kinds, which can be offered by a local contractor or the owner herself or himself.

Many of these shops are owned by people without any magical leanings of their own. The others might have owners who also provide lessons in magic, typically after hours. The shop might in fact be the gathering place for a circle of friends in the community that comes to buy their Book of Shadows and their statues, buoying the group above what mere dues might provide.

Overall, these stores can make a diverting visit whether the intention is spiritual teaching, equipment, or even just decoration. Only those who fear the unseen had better stay away. All others might find time spent there to be time well spent.

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