
The Importance Of Joint Supplements.

By Loree Rutzmoser

For humans as well as equines, a balanced nutritional diet goes a long way toward preventing disease, lameness, and arthritic conditions. Proper choice in hay and pasture can keep your horse in top shape for years.

During the middle of 2004, my right knee started aching and over the time, became increasingly swollen. the swelling and intense pain made it difficult for me to walk up and down the stairs without support.

If you are subjecting your horse to a heavy or athletic work routine, Glucosamine products are good horse joint supplements to have on hand. Glucosamine equine joint supplements are derived from a substance called chitin, which comes primarily from ground shrimp and crab shells.

All these negatively affected my overall physical and mental health. A specialist in pain management suggested that I should start on a joint supplement regimen. He explained to me that my joints' cartilages were seriously damaged and that daily joint supplements would help to heal and allow my body to rebuild the cartilage. I visited quite a few therapists, orthopedics and joint specialists, from their diagnoses, it seemed that surgery was the only solution. This also meant I would not be able to do any impact sports except swimming.

Another of the joint supplements which is in popular demand is Chondroitin. It is basically a protein substance manufactured from shark cartilage. The supplement provides more insulation between the bones of painful joints and this is done by improving the overall elasticity of the joints.

If you want to enjoy a long riding or working relationship with your horse, you may want to consider adding a joint enhancing or healing supplement to the horse's diet .

This allows them the best chance of keeping healthy through the rigors of working Talk to other horse owners about what supplements for horses they use and whether they would recommend them. Shop around. Read ingredients. Educate yourself and then make the best choice for your equine partner.

Since then, I am able to run, hike and even jog hills with my children. I play tennis, basketball, badminton and I can move and carry objects over 50 pounds without difficulty. I don't have to carry my daughter anymore, but I am glad being able to be there when she needs me.

Proper supplement care and a balanced nutritional diet will keep both you and your horse enjoying your rides for many years to come.

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