
How To Supplement Your Workout Program With A Solid Diet To Build Muscle

By Arnold Sylvester

Learning how to build muscle requires work both in the gym and in the kitchen. Sadly, most people do not realize the importance of the latter and wave goodbye to potentially great gains as a result. Make no mistake about it, learning how to structure your diet is just as important as learning how to deadlift or bench press...

The worst mistake you can make in your quest to pack on lean size is to restrict your ambitions to the gym alone.

But even though it makes sense to watch what you eat, many men fall into the deadly trap of presuming they can gorge on whatever food they like then justify it by claiming they are trying to bulk up. A dirty bulk results in dirty weight being added.

The undeniable truth is that keeping a clean and healthy diet is far more difficult than sticking to a challenging gym program. That's because your exercise routine will quickly become fun and feel like a good habit, but the challenge to eat junk food stays with you every day.

If you are one of the individuals who totally neglects their diet altogether and then hopes to trick their body into giving huge results, you need to change your mentality before you will be able to get any significant results. However, if you are one of the many individuals who actually wants to know how to do this the right way, but can't seem to get started with it, then you're in luck.

When in doubt, trust science. The latest research on hypertrophy shows a proven three step formula for setting out a food plan to build size and strength. It is:

1. 1.5 grams of protein per lb of your current body weight.

2. Consume around 2g carbohydrates per pound of body weight

3. Consume around 0.5g fat per pound of body weight.

But before you look at this like a set of rules, remember the most important factor here is that no diet fits everyone. This merely gives you a starting point, from which you can experiment by raising or lowering certain nutrients until you find an optimal intake to give your body results. I:8:T

In a shocking twist to what you may expect, most men do not actually eat enough protein to build muscle. That may sound very strange, given that every man and his dog seems to buy the latest whey protein drinks. But apart from those drinks, they often don't eat any other sources of lean protein.

Another area of misunderstanding is fat intake. Just because it's called fat, doesn't mean you will get fat from eating it. A tank is a military vehicle as well as an item of clothing - fat refers to both food and body fat. They are totally different things and shouldn't be confused together.

Now comes the interesting part. When you have your protein and fat intake set correctly, carbohydrates will determine what type of physique your body can achieve. Start with the recommended amount and note your results, before increasing the amount if you want to add more size or decreasing it if you feel you are adding body fat.

To teach somebody how to build muscle which creates a noticeably different physique, you must first start in the kitchen. Sure, learning your biggest lifts and the correct rep range certainly plays a very important role in your progress, but if you neglect your diet you run the very real danger of kissing goodbye to your hard toil on the gym floor.

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