
Is It Dangerous To Combine Flaxseed & Fish Oil?

By Brad Wilson  :

These days, almost everyone has heard of the health benefits of Omega 3 . The body cannot synthesize this fatty acid so it must be found in food or such supplements as fish oil and flaxseed oil. Omega 3 plays a significant role in brain function . It influences our thinking, our feelings and even our memories . Continually researching the effects of this fatty acid on the body, in fact scientists are constantly trying to understand its implications and how it might positively impact those who suffer from memory loss, Alzheimers and mental disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenia and depression.

As a source of DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, Omega 3 fatty acids are rich in this respect. Generally found in the brain, this acid is used to transmit signals to other parts of the body. The communication between brain cells increases with the right amount of Omega 3 because they receive more DHA. The reverse is also true, however.

--> Knowing this, more and more people are examining their diet and concluding they need to consume more Omega 3s every day to improve the health of their brain . They begin looking for supplements to provide the nutrients needed by the brain in order to improve its health and development . Two of the most popular supplements are flaxseed oil and fish oil, and while they are beneficial to our bodies, they may be less than wonderful when combined together .

Can You Combine Flaxseed Oil and Fish Oil ?

Before discussing whether these supplements can really be combined, let us pause momentarily to understand what flaxseed and fish oil are and what they do.

Fish Oil- One of the most commonly used supplements for omega 3 fatty acid is fish oil, which contains two types of omega 3s, EPA, also known as eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA . This supplement has been found to be capable of lowering triglyceride levels, which makes it more difficult for the body's platelets to form blood clots . That it is capable of lowering blood pressure is another feature of this supplement. Amongst those who take the supplement, the result is a lower heart attack rate.

Flaxseed Oil- Almost 60 percent of flaxseed oil is made of alpha-linoleic acid, a type of omega 3 fatty acid . While this is a high amount of Omega 3, flaxseed oil functions differently than fish oil and is not as effective at treating various illnesses in the body . The reason for this is that alpha-linoleic acid must first be converted by the body into DHA or EPA in order for it to take effect. This oil, however, can still be used to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.

The use of both fish oil and flaxseed oil is generally safe for healthy individuals and may even be recommended, particularly if your body is low in Omega 3s, as part of your daily intake. It can, however, be dangerous to take them both together.

Think back for a moment to what DHA and EPA do in the body . They make it difficult for the platelets in your body to form blood clots . While this may greatly reduce your chances of having a heart attack, if you consume both oils and too much DHA and EPA develops, your blood may become too thin and your body may be unable to produce blood clots to stop bleeding . It may be that you begin to bleed and bruise easily and, to stop bleeding from even a small cut or scrape, you may need medical attention.

While taking fish or flaxseed oil separately may help your overall brain function, you should always speak to your doctor before taking these two supplements together . He will be able to help you stay safe and healthy by running blood tests to continually monitor your body's ability to clot.

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