
How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

By Keith Alberts  :

It is a nightmare for a man reaching the age of thirty. This is because it is at this age that the level of hormone testosterone falls sharply. It is during this stage that many men are termed to as Andropause or male menopause. Andropause stage is characterized with a number of male behavioral changes and as well body changes. One should always look for a way to increase testosterone naturally without pills and injections.

Most men at this stage has erectile dysfunction, reduced energy, reduced sexual urge, loss of muscles that are lean, and increased male temperament. This however, should not be a cause of worry since there are a number of ways that can increase this hormone naturally. To start with, men have to increase supply of zinc. Zinc enhances the production of this hormone naturally in human body.

It functions by inhibiting the conversion of this hormone to estrogen by the enzyme aromatase. Oysters, salmon fish, seafood, cheese, milk, nuts, beans, and tuna fish are some of food items that can supply zinc in adequate supply. Besides supplying the body with the required zinc, it is important to include the essential fats in our food items. The main important essential fats are the omega 3.

Here it should however be noted that not all fats are recommended, the most recommended fats are the essential fats. The most essential fats are the omega 3. A number of researches have revealed that males who commonly add essential fats in their meals have recorded higher levels of this hormone.

Though men are encouraged to eat foods that are rich in fats, care must be exercised to avoid incorporating hazardous fats in their meals. Care should be practiced to ensure that they maintain the required daily supply of 20% calories. The omega 3 fats essentials are important in unclogging the blood arteries that allow free supply of blood in all body parts.

This however, should not be confused with the supply of injurious fats in our diets. The recommended essential fats, works well in helping to unclog the arteries that promote an enhanced blood flow. A body system that is well supplied with blood flow will lead to a sexually active individual with a perfect erectile function.

Working out is another way of increasing the level of this hormone in the body. It has been proven that hard workouts and intense exercises are a great way to increase testosterone naturally. A number of compounds workouts like bench press, squats, chin ups, and dead lifts are one of the remedies for a decreased level of its production.

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