
Colostrum - Does It Have A Role In Preventing Type 2 Diabetes?

By Brad Wilson   :     

If you did a Google search on colostrum, there is a strong possibility you would find a range of products and testimonials from people who have taken it in supplement form for a variety of ailments and found success . You might notice in these testimonials, a trend amongst diabetes sufferers . That's because there is a good reason .

It has been shown that colostrum plays a big part in the prevention and even treatment of type 2 diabetes . How does it do this ? Let's take a look :

Colostrum - What is it ?

In nursing newborns, colostrum is the first liquid that comes from the mother's breast - it isn't milk exactly . This liquid contains extra nutrients, helps us develop correctly, and prevents a wide range of illnesses because of the antibodies it contains . This perfect liquid, unfortunately, is only available for 48 hours approximately. Then, we are by ourselves. Or are we ?

--> Colostrum supplements provide us with the same benefits as the colostrum we receive from when we are born, protecting us from a variety of illnesses, increasing our health, and ensuring our bodies are functioning the way they should .

How Colostrum Can Help Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes treatment through natural sources isn't new . For years, doctors and scientists have studied the significant role vitamin B6 supplements have on glucose tolerance . However, colostrum, unlike vitamin B6, can actually help prevent type 2 diabetes occurring in the first place in addition to helping with its treatment.

Although many don't even realize they are suffering from it until the symptoms develop, the most common form, type 2 diabetes, affects millions of people.

With type 2 diabetes, the body produces enough insulin, but this insulin is ignored by the cells or the cells are unable to use it . When one eats, all the sugar and starches are broken down by the body and turned into usable glucose, so this is serious . It is this which provides fuel for cells, giving them the energy they need to function well . Insulin carries that sugar to the cells from the blood . The sugars carried by the insulin will remain in the blood and can result in many health problems if the cells ignore insulin or are resistant to it, also called insulin resistance.

Because it increases the number of receptors on each body cell, colostrums can help prevent and treat type 2 diabetes . This gives the insulin more of an opportunity to deliver the glucose to the cells, so the sugar does not remain in your blood .

At the same time, colostrum also contains a peptide called obestatin . Research has shown that the death of beta cells in the body may be preventable by this peptide, thereby increasing the amount present for this function. This is very beneficial to individuals with type 2 diabetes, and those with this condition often experience significant improvements to their health when colostrum is introduced .

Are you interested in preventing type 2 diabetes ? Does this form of diabetes already affect you and are you seeking a better treatment? Natural colostrum supplements could be the first step to turning type 2 diabetes around .

Always consult your family doctor and, unless they agree, it is not advised to stop taking any prescribed medication for diabetes.

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