
Best Supplement For Muscle Growth Is A Growing Discussion

By John Raven  :

There are many reasons why one would choose to increase muscle mass. They could be seeking to become professional body builders. The person could be an athlete becoming committed to weightlifting. The need for muscle gain could be to offset the effects of a medical condition or surgical procedure. Or, a man or woman just wants to like what they see whenever they look at themselves in the mirror. Regardless of the reason, muscle growth supplements soon become a part of the equation. There is a need to know the best supplement for muscle growth.

From levers and inclined planes to wheels and pulleys, mankind has maintained a desire to come up with ways to get more work out of something than they put in. Supplements provide the same concept to muscle growth. Work will always be necessary, but there are safe ways to improve the rate of growth.

There is some ongoing debate regarding the best supplement. At the top of the short list are protein supplements. Protein is a natural occurring combination of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscles. Trying to increase mass while not having enough protein in the body is like starting a fire without oxygen.

--> The human body has the ability to produce amino acids. There are some which the body can only receive through what is taken into the body. Foods are usually the source of these. These 9 important amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan, valine, threonine, and histidine.

One could eat enough food in the right amounts to get what is needed. This could prove costly through the purchase of many different foods. The smart approach would be to find a protein supplement that complements the daily diet. Soy, egg, whey, and micellar casein are the protein supplements that should be looked for. Whey is the most popular.

Another supplement that is part of the debate are multivitamins. These are essential to the body. Many consider multivitamins as an alternative to eating. Vitamins should be taken as part of a balanced diet. This gives the body full coverage for vitamins that can be ingested in very limited quantities through eating. There are many types of multivitamins to choose from. It would be wise for investigation to be done here. Comparative shopping can be done easily online. The most expensive types are not necessarily the better ones.

Popular among most bodybuilders and weightlifters, creatine monohydrate is also on the short list. The powder is normally mixed with juice or water. Creatine monohydrate is a safe source of energy that is quickly used by the muscles soon after ingesting. This is a much better quick source of energy than processed sugar.

Protein, multivitamins, and creatine monohydrate are natural supplements that can be used individually or together in different combinations. One should investigate the use of all supplements before using them. Consulting a physician could also be a necessary step before using supplements. Whatever the reason the answer to the best supplement for muscle growth could rest within each individual user.

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